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CPMS 32804 Final 2


College Park Main Street is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, College Park Main Street is one of the twelve  Orlando Main Street districts accredited as a Main Street America program. We share the commitment to creating and building a stronger community by preserving the economic integrity of the district.

College Park Main Street collaborates with local business owners to enhance the community. Current activities are centered around creating more robust dining and nightlife experiences and evolving the transportation and pedestrian access to the area.

Our business district is the core of our community, with unique shopping and great restaurants. College Park Main Street hosts many activities and events throughout the year.

We champion and inspire the development of College Park into a vigorously engaged community of residents and businesses. At our core, we stand true to our Mission Statement:

"College Park Main Street will enhance the vitality of a thriving business community engaged in creating a rich quality of life for all who work, play, and live here."


Clarisse Gates
Clarisse Gates, President



Photo Coming Soon





Photo Coming Soon



Betsy Faughn, Past-President
Todd Bennett
Todd Bennett
Maia Kennedy
Maia Kennedy
Brian Buttner
Brian Buttner
Carlie Paluzzi
Carlie Paluzzi
Paul Irumudomon
Paul Irumudomon
Chelsea Santos
Chelsea Santos
Sarah Johnson-Markve
Sarah Johnson-Markve
Kody Smith
Kody Smith


Amelia Harrison, Executive Director
Amelia Harrison, Executive Director
Cathy Hayes, Administrative Assistant
Cathy Hayes, Administrative Assistant
Andrea Kudzlak
Andrea Kudlacz, Executive Director In Memoriam
City Liaison
Emily Thompson, City Liaison