College Park Main Street continues to make a vital difference to the attractive, economically vibrant community that College Park is today. Our success is due in large part to the enthusiastic, engaged volunteers who serve on our four steering committees and who truly energize the efforts that have led to our long track record of success! These four committees help steer the promotion, design, organization, and economic growth efforts to make College Park Main Street one of the best districts in all of Orlando! We need your help to oversee the College Park Main Street events and projects that benefit the entire community. Please see our list of committees and descriptions below, and consider joining these critical teams.
College Park Main Street Volunteer Committees
Design Committee
We want Edgewater Drive to convey a visual message about College Park and what it has to offer residents and patrons. This is achieved by improving the physical appearance of buildings, streetlights, parking areas, sidewalks, and window displays along Main Street. The Design Committee oversees several major projects including, but not limited to Annual holiday decorating in Albert Park, Semi-annual College Park Cleanups along Edgewater Drive, Placemaking & branding and beautification projects such as murals and public art.
Meetings are held the 2nd Thursday of each month, 12-1 pm.
Chair: Paul Irumudomon
Promotions Committee
Effective promotion creates a positive image of the community through retail promotional activity and special events, utilizing the community as a stage area for activities. The Promotions Committee helps with the production and marketing of the community’s unique characteristics through CPMS events including Dog Days, College Park JazzFest, and Holiday on the Drive.
Meetings are held the first Friday of each month, 9:30-10:30 am.
Economic Vitality Committee
The Economic Vitality Committee strengthens the existing economic base of Edgewater Drive, connects the College Park Main Street’s businesses and business members, and also helps to foster new business development along Edgewater Drive. The Economic Vitality Committee oversees several major projects including, but not limited to the Welcome Basket Initiative, welcoming new CPMS business members and inviting businesses in College Park to join CPMS, Evening Networking Socials, and Vendor / Food truck management at CPMS Events
Meetings are held the 3rd Wednesday of each month, 11:30 am - 12:30 pm via Zoom.
Chair: Jordan Bohannon
Co-Chair: Brian Buttner
Organization Committee
Many individuals and organizations in College Park have a stake in the economic viability of the community. The Organization Committee supports the Main Street vitality through branding and marketing efforts with our website, email newsletters, social media, establishing membership levels and benefits, and volunteer recruitment efforts. The Organization Committee oversees several major projects including, but not limited to Monthly CPMS newsletter, CPMS social media presence, CPMS Annual Meeting of Members, and CPMS membership levels management
Meetings are held the 3rd Friday of each month, 9-10 am via Google Meet.
Chair: Sarah Johnson-Markve
Co-Chair: Maia Kennedy